
Beautiful and widely accessible, it’s my most-visited destination – thanks largely to the good friends that I’ve made during my trips. I consider Sweden a ‘must see’ for anybody that’s into beautifully-green cities & countryside, architecture, history, and somewhat-surprisingly – gastronomy.  It’s not just smorgasbord, meatballs, pickled herring & potatoes anymore!  The chefs over there have become as creative as their hockey players, which means you won’t have any trouble finding good places to eat.  In fact, many of the high-end establishments, in the major cities, have earned coveted Michelin star ratings.   

But everything good comes with a cost and Sweden, like the rest of Scandinavia, is expensive due to the high taxes.  You may also want to avoid visiting during the winter months, if you’re not into colder temperatures and limited daylight.  Summer is definitely the best time to go, so you can enjoy the warmer weather, the “midnight sun” (where it only gets dark-ish for 3-4 hrs), and maybe even join in on some Mid-Summer celebrations (the 3rd weekend in June) – where you can drink schnapps, eat pickled herring & potatoes, sing songs, and do the frog dance around the mid-summer’s pole (I’m not making this up – check out the link or look it up :)!  

Here are the various places within Sweden that I’ve been fortunate enough to visit:  




Norrköping & Östergötland